agar RA®
agar RA® Series is a complete range of med-high gel strength pure Agar Agar powder with customizable textural properties to cater to the customer’s end product application.
agarOLES® is an excellent alternative for partial or total replacement of traditional animal-based gelling agents and/or expensive hydrocolloids to provide a particular soft and delicate texture, with smooth spreadability and creaminess.
phytaFIBER® is Java Biocolloids 2-in-1 texturizer and dietary fiber made from pure, pulverized Gracilaria verrucosa
agarEASY® is fast soluble agar, able to dissolve at lower temperature than conventional agar and result in low to medium gel strength.
kappa KR®
kappa KR® is highly purified refined kappa carrageenan, with versatile function in many application from pet food to refined food.
viscoILES® series consist of konjac gum and konjac glucommanan, that are used in food industry as key texturing agent.