A Leading Manufacturer of Agar
We commit to produce high quality and consistency of Agar Agar products with continuous development and innovation
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A Leading Manufacturer of Agar
A Leading Manufacturer of Agar
Our Product
agar RA®
agar RA®
agar RA® Series is a complete range of med-high gel strength pure Agar Agar powder with customizable textural properties to cater to the customer’s end product application.
agarOLES® is an excellent alternative for partial or total replacement of traditional animal-based gelling agents and/or expensive hydrocolloids to provide a particular soft and delicate texture, with smooth spreadability and creaminess.
phytaFIBER® is Java Biocolloids 2-in-1 texturizer and dietary fiber made from pure, pulverized Gracilaria verrucosa
agarEASY® is fast soluble agar, able to dissolve at lower temperature than conventional agar and result in low to medium gel strength.
kappa KR®
kappa KR® is highly purified refined kappa carrageenan, with versatile function in many application from pet food to refined food.
viscoILES® series consist of konjac gum and konjac glucommanan, that are used in food industry as key texturing agent.
agar RA®
agar RA® Series is a complete range of med-high gel strength pure Agar Agar powder with customizable textural properties to cater to the customer’s end product application.
agarOLES® is an excellent alternative for partial or total replacement of traditional animal-based gelling agents and/or expensive hydrocolloids to provide a particular soft and delicate texture, with smooth spreadability and creaminess.
The first organic and fair trade Agar Agar extracted from organically cultivated Gracilaria verrucosa through its entire supply chain.
phytaFIBER® is Java Biocolloids 2-in-1 texturizer and dietary fiber made from pure, pulverized Gracilaria verrucosa.
agarEASY® is fast soluble agar, able to dissolve at lower temperature than conventional agar and result in low to medium gel strength.
Kappa KR®
Kappa KR® is highly purified refined kappa carrageenan, with versatile function in many application from pet food to refined food.
viscoILES® series consist of konjac gum and konjac glucommanan, that are used in food industry as key texturing agent.
Our Certification
A Leading Manufacturer of Agar
With many years of experience in seaweed extracts manufacturing, Java Biocolloid commits to produce high quality and consistency of Agar Agar products with continuous development and innovation.
Visit Historical Algarium of Java Biocolloid
The private historical collection of edible seaweed, which can be seen in digital format in this website.