It has been a tough few weeks for everyone. The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has devastated the lives, livelihood, society, and businesses globally. Social distancing, working from home, homeschooling are words that are commonly heard these days.
In Indonesia, as of 2 April 2020 there were 1.790 total cases and 170 total deaths. Head of the Indonesian COVID-19 task force volunteer, Andre Rahadian said that there were 15,250 volunteers who had registered as of 1 April 2020. A total of 2.529 volunteers were medical workers and 12.721 were non-medical volunteers.
The role of medical personnel and non-medical volunteers to treat is highly appreciated. The Java Biocolloid and Hakiki Group support by donating 120 kg of milk powder aimed at people or families that are affected by COVID-19. This donation was provided through the East Java Provincial Livestock Services on 1 April 2020, so that it could be distributed to people in need.
Everyone has an important role. Awareness of each individual to maintain health and minimize the risk of spread will greatly help to immediately end this pandemic.