Milk and dairy products are one of the most important foods that can sustain the nutrition and health of people. With the changing lifestyle of consumers, many dairy industries have been continuously evolving and developing their direction towards the market demand. Some of the recent trends in dairy industries are products with low fat and high fiber, reduction in added sugar, and a more natural product without the use of certain additives.
Among several ingredients that are used in dairy products, hydrocolloid plays an important role in increasing the soluble fiber content with lower fat and lower total solid contents. One of the limitations in the usage of hydrocolloids in dairy applications is the heating process. Some hydrocolloids require high solubility temperature at a certain time while this condition can denature the milk proteins.
Java Biocolloid comes up with a solution of special agar that is designed for milk-based and dairy applications. Agar had been known as a hydrocolloid that has good compatibility with milk protein and has very low syneresis. Normally, agar powder dissolves at 100°C for five minutes of cooking. With the innovative technology, Java Biocolloid able to produce agarEASY® Dairy Series - Fast Soluble Agar that can start to dissolve at 70°C.
agarEASY® Dairy Series is suitable for flavored milk, any type of yogurt, dairy desserts such as flan, panna cotta, pudding, and many applications where fast action of hydrocolloid is needed. agarEASY® Dairy Series is easy to dissolve without any lump formation, giving full body mouthfeel and good flavor release.