Proudly introducing: INDONESIA SEAWEED

Recently another important milestone was achieved, placing Indonesian products at a level where they will be synonymous as a marker for quality and uniqueness worldwide.


On November 23rd 2018, in the presence of delegates from the Indonesian Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Marine Resources, UNIDO, the Smart Fish Program and many other honourable guests, ASTRULI (Asosiasi Industri Rumput Laut Indonesia) (Indonesian Association of Seaweeds Industries), represented by chairman Mr. Mc Donny Watad Nagasan, the Java Biocolloid shareholder, launched the new brand; ‘Indonesia Seaweed’. This brand will be related to all products of seaweed origin, guaranteeing the traceability of the raw materials, the highest standards of food safety, sustainable harvesting practices, environmentally friendly processing, as well as fair retribution for farmers and much more.


These days many food ingredients manufactured in Asia are unfortunately still regarded with suspicion by Western consumers. There is often the perception that quality control in Asian countries do not match western standards. Moreover there is often no proper distinction between the regions of origin for many products from Asia. This is one reason amongst many why ASTRULI strongly pushed for all of the stakeholders involved in the Indonesian hydrocolloid community to create a brand that would differentiate Indonesian seaweed products with those from other countries. The aim is to demonstrate that Indonesia has the capability and the strength to be an important world player, supplying ingredients of an extremely high quality and uniqueness. 
