Everyday we become more aware of the increasing levels of plastic pollution in nature. Microplastics in particular are a threat that have invaded all ecosystems, most notably, the marine environment. Within this context, Java Biocolloid is continually working with the health of the environment and consumers as our priority.
The battle against microplastics is about a cultural revolution that involves all of our stakeholders along the chain of production. Working with our farmers we provide extensive training in the correct collection and disposal of the plastic waste on the seashore and in the water and make use of proper floating buoys, removing styrofoam and plastic bottles. Our seaweed collectors are trained to meticulously sort foreign matter from the seaweed during the drying and packing process. Our staff in the processing facility are also trained to implement further extraction processes aided by the use of modern technology.
As always, Java Biocolloid is aiming for continuing betterment, and, as announced in our previous newsletter we have developed an analytical protocol to evaluate and eliminate the presence of microplastics from our products. We are therefore proud to announce that all of our products are microplastic free, a fundamental step in guaranteeing the health of consumers and the environment.