Based on The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target to reduce greenhouse gasses GHG emissions in Indonesia by 29% in the 2020-2030, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry invites private companies to reduce GHG emissions through the KADIN Net Zero Hub program.
PT Hakiki Donarta became one of the private companies that participated the Net Zero Hub program. To realize this program, Mrs. Shinta Widjaja Kamdani as Deputy Chairperson of the Coordinator for Maritime, Investment and Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with Mr. Michael Agusta as President Director of PT Hakiki Donarta signed the MoU "Intent to Pledge KADIN Net-Zero Hub" on 27 May 2022.
After the MoU signing of the, PT Hakiki Donarta will carry out benchmarking activities, establish the net zero principle, develop and finally implement the roadmap to achieve the Net Zero target.