Agar-agar has been used for many centuries due to its high water binding capacity, excellent gelling, thickening and stabilizing capability. Mostly agar-agar extracted from Gracilaria is used for food industries and some for biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
Conventional agar dissolve at 100dC for five minutes to maximally express its gel strength. At lower temperature than that, only part of the agar will melt, resulting a lower gel strength. Our study shows that cooking conventional agar with high gel strength at 90dC can drastically drop its gel strength. In some cases, even cooking conventional agar at 80dC will result un-gellified product.
The most common food application for agar is for confectionery and dessert, due to its compatibility between food processing condition and agar-agar activation condition. Back then in some cases when high temperature and longtime heating treatment is not necessary, for example in dairy application, the use of agar were not favorable. However, the food industries are evolving and many dairy-processing industries opened the alternative of using agar-agar in their ingredients.
Due to a growing demand for plant-based substitutes to products of animal origin, Java Biocolloid has analysed consumer trends and invested in the development
of a new agar production process. We are proud to introduce the latest addition to our range, agarEASY®. The production process of agarEASY® has been implemented using technologies adapted from the pharmaceutical industry and guarantees optimal results and quality.
agarEASY®, is the newest innovative product of Java Biocolloid that is able to dissolve at 80dC with a gel strength greater than 600 g/cm2. This new product can be a breakthrough especially for applications that do not require a high temperature process.
Contact us to get more information and sample of this product.